If you are looking for stainless steel screw, please contact ISOGAI.

ISOGAI is producing many kinds of stainless steel screw as well as steel screw, and brass screw and providing widely spread to our domestic and overseas customer since we established.


Recently, stainless steel are having big impact of price increasing on raw material cost, and affect  of weak Japanese currency issue. But we are successfully continuing our stable supply to the customer.


Especially for our overseas customer, we are supplying many stainless steel screws, and their demands are keep going up.


Upon customer request, we can provide screws with both Japan-made material, and foreign-made material.


Therefore, our stainless steel screws are well-known and highly esteemed in both quality/competitiveness.


If you have any issue for stainless steel screw, please feel free to contact us anytime.